Early Events

I call these the “Early Events,” but they are also referred to as the Infancy Narratives.

There are similarities and differences between Matthew and Luke. Both groups are significant.

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7iX03Tr8qU


  1. Mary and Joseph are parents who are betrothed (M 1:18; L 1:27,34)
  2. Joseph is of Davidic descent (M 1:16; L 1:27,32; 2:4)
  3. There is an angelic announcement of the child’s birth (M 1:20-23; L 1:30-35)
  4. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit (M 1:18,20,23,25; L 1:34)
  5. Angel says the child is to be named Jesus (M 1:21, L 1:31)
  6. Angel says Jesus will be “Savior” (M 1:21; L 2:11)
  7. Jesus is born after parents live together (M 1:24-25; L 2:5-6)
  8. Jesus is born in Bethlehem (M 2:1; L 2:4-6)
  9. Birth is related to the time period of Herod the Great (M 2:1; L 1:5)
  10. Jesus grows up in Nazareth (M 2:23; L 2:39)


Two types of differences:

  • Content
  • Theological Emphasis

Content Differences

Title of gospel (M 1:1)Preface to Gospel (L 1:1-4)
Focus on JosephFocus on Mary
Begins with GenealogyBegins with backstory of John the Baptist
Genealogy through David’s son SolomonGenealogy through David’s son Nathan
Joseph’s father is JacobJoseph’s father is Heli
Angel visits JosephAngel visits Mary
No mention of living in Nazareth before BethlehemHad to travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem because of census
Born and named right away (M 1:25)Born but named at circumcision 8 days later (L 2:21)
Magi led by star come from east and talk to HerodAngels sing to shepherds
Magi visit Jesus in a houseShepherds visit Jesus in a manger
Magi return by a different way to avoid HerodShepherds return glorifying and praising God
Herod kills male children in Bethlehem
Jesus and family flee to EgyptJesus and family go to the temple for circumcision
Jesus and family return from Egypt and go to NazarethJesus and family return to Nazareth after circumcision
Jesus and family visit the temple again when he is 12

Theological Differences

Hebrew Scriptures FulfilledDriving ForceHoly Spirit is at work
Son of David/Abraham - Legal sonJesus’s HeritageSon of God, son of Mary by the Holy Spirit
Focus on KingshipNames and titlesVarious titles/roles
Men: David, Joseph, Magi, Herod, scribesCharacters EmphasizedWomen: Mary, Elizabeth, Anna; Also poor and old
obstacles, conflict, fear, murder, politicsThemesglory, praise, joy, poverty, humility, grace
Moses, Joseph (dreams)OT ParallelsBirth of Samson (Judge); Birth of Samuel (Prophet)

Why the differences?


  • Jewish
  • Direct disciple of Jesus
  • Focused on traditional Moses/Messiah relations and political implications
  • Lot’s of ties to Old Testament themes


  • Probably Syrian
  • Companion of Paul, who was not a direct disciple of Jesus
  • Had to rely more on third party sources
  • Seems to have been writing for a benefactor (Theophilus)
  • Focused on gentiles and under-privileged people groups (women, poor, old)