Note: I haven’t read all of the books listed below. This is a combination of books I’d recommend and books I’d like to read. I am adding things here as I find them scattered throughout my notes, and will have to come back and clean this list up some day.

Reading List

Historic books

Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Culture and Customs

Into His Own - Perspective on the world of Jesus

The Sociocultural Context of the Sermon on the Mount

Honor, Patronage, Kinship and Purity - David deSilva

Nelson’s New Illustrated Bible Manners and Customs

Authors & Books

A.W. Tozer

Church History

The Pilgrim Church - E. H. Broadbent


Josephus - Wikipedia

Sextus Julius Africanus - Wikipedia

Tacitus - Wikipedia

Suetonius on Christians - Wikipedia

Pliny the Younger - Wikipedia

Christian Scholars

Origen - Wikipedia

Eusebius - Wikipedia

Irenaeus - Wikipedia

Tertullian - Wikipedia

Papias of Hierapolis - Wikipedia

Other Writings

Anti-Marcionite Prologues

List of Christian mystics


Christian Classics Ethereal Library

Light,Life, And Love (Eckhardt, Tauler, and Suso)



Theologia Germanica

Bernard of Clairvaux

Sermons on the Song of Songs

On Loving God - Bernard of Clairvaux

Evelyn Underhill

Mysticism - Evelyn Underhill

Saint John of the Cross

Ascent Of Mount Carmel - Saint John of the Cross

Dark Night of the Soul - Saint John of the Cross

Walter Hilton

The Scale of Perfection - Walter Hilton

The Goad of Love - Walter Hilton (rare book)

Henry Suso

A Little Book of Eternal Wisdom - Henry Suso

Thomas a Kempis

The Imitation of Christ - Thomas a Kempis

Francis de Sales

Introduction to the Devout Life - Francis de Sales

Meister Eckert

Sermons by Meister (Johannes) Eckert

John Tauler

Sermons by John Tauler

Samuel Rutherford

The Letters of Samuel Rutherford

Francois Fenelon

Maxims of the Saints Spiritual Progress Existence Of God

Rulman Merswin


The Amending of Life - Richard Rolle (rare book) The Life of the Servant (must purchase) The works of William Law The journal of John Fox The writings of Nikolaus von Zinzendorf The writings of Andrew Murray The writings of John Wesley The writings of A.B. Simpson