1 Peter 3:14 (NASB20) But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. AND DO NOT FEAR THEIR INTIMIDATION, AND DO NOT BE IN DREAD,

1 Peter 3 is talking about Godly living. It’s about walking in God’s ways and not our own.

This verse references Isaiah 8:12, and that verse is an admonition to fear God instead of people.

1 Peter 3:13 says who can harm you if you are zealous for good, and 1 Peter 3:15 says to be ready to make a defense for your faith to everyone who asks you. So I think the point of 3:14 is that we focus our attention on God and not on the ways of man - even if we suffer for it. That doesn’t mean that we are guaranteed to suffer for it, but even if we do, we should keep our focus on God.

If you suffer for the sake of righteousness, then you will be blessed. And isn’t God’s blessing something that we all want and pray for? Eventually, when you persevere in your faith, and your life shows evidence of God’s blessing - whether by peace or strength, people will take notice. They will start to wonder what gives you such hope, peace, strength, and joy. And if they should ask, that is when you can share your testimony with them, and tell them about your faith in your God.

Let your life be God’s business card. Pass out your faith - by example, or otherwise - so that when people recognize their need for Him, they will know to call out to Him.

When we fear other people, we are putting our focus on them, and giving them power over us. When we put our focus on God, He will exert His power over them on our behalf. I’ve heard stories of little old ladies getting held up at gun point, and instead of allowing the thief to rob them they rebuke the thief in the name of Jesus and the thief turns and leaves.

Does that necessarily happen to every person, every time? I don’t know. But that’s the level of focus that we should have on God. So that even when your life is suddenly put in danger, your first reaction is not fight or flight, but faith.

I can say that it takes training. Faith is probably not an instinctive reaction for most of us. I know it wasn’t for me. You have to soak yourself in God’s word, in His promises, in prayer, in devotion to Him, in surrender to Him. You have to get to the point where your first and last thoughts are of Him. Then, and only then, will your faith start to naturally infuse everything you say and do.

Let your faith be such that you can sing with David - “In God I have put my trust, I shall not be afraid. What can mankind do to me?” - Psalm 56:11

1 Peter 5:6-7 (NASB20) Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, so that He may exalt you at the proper time, having cast all your anxiety on Him, because He cares about you.

What is it that causes anxiety? It’s caused by something inside of us that wants to feel in control. When that sense of control is threatened, then anxiety arises over how to keep it.

Peter tells us to humble ourselves under God, and cast all our anxiety on Him. We need to continually give all control over to God, and surrender our sense of control to Him. We can rest in knowing that God loves us and has already made provision for us. We have to be patient to wait for His proper time, but we can trust God in all things.

Peter goes on to say that the enemy is prowling around like a lion looking for someone to devour. When we allow anxiety to drive our actions and decisions we make ourselves vulnerable to the enemy. We start to compromise on our faith. We start to consider doing things we know are wrong, in ways we know are not God’s ways.

We must resist the enemy - and anxiety - in firmness of faith in God. We may suffer for a little while, but God has already provided for our eternal lives with Him in heaven. We can trust that no matter what temporary obstacles we face in this life, there is an eternal life coming soon in which we will never feel pain or lack ever again.

God is our rest, now and for eternity. Now we need to cast our cares on Him in faith, but then we will live forevermore in the light of His glory. We cannot cast our cares on God and still hold on to control over every circumstance. We have to surrender everything to Him - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

Do not be anxious or afraid about the things in your life. Humble yourself before God. Resist the tricks and temptations of the enemy with faith in God. Put your trust in God rather than in yourself or in the ways of the world. Do not be afraid, but trust in God.

1 John 4:18 (NASB20) There is no fear in love, but perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment, and the one who fears is not perfected in love.

By now this study has taught me that fear and trust are opposing forces. John tells us that fear and love are also opposing forces.

And John also tells us that love comes from God. God loved us first, and because He loves us we can love Him and each other.

John says that we cannot love if we do not know God, because God is love. And God revealed His love for us through His Son Jesus.

When we know God we are able to love sacrificially, the way that He loves us. And when we love sacrificially we do it in the face of fear, anxiety, and uncertainty. We do it in a way that costs us something that may never be paid back - or at least not in the ways we think it will.

God’s greatest commandment to us is to love Him with everything we are, and to love each other as ourselves. This love is often done in a step of faith. Our faith must be carried out responsibly, but our responsibilities must also be carried out with faith. And love is our greatest responsibility.

A love that is limited by fear is not a perfect love. Unconditional, sacrificial love has no room in it for fear. In fact, it often comes out strongest when it is opposing fear - such as giving your life to protect someone you love. And by this we know that Jesus loves us with a perfect love, because rather than punish us and fill us with fear - He gave His life for ours that we would be saved from punishment for our sins. In Him there is no fear, but only perfect love.

And we are called to be His disciples - that is, to be like Him. We are called to show perfect love, without fear or condemnation. We can only do that by first knowing God and having His love in our hearts. We must surrender our lives to God in trust and faith, and from that we are to pour out His perfect love so that others may know Him and through Him overcome the fear in their own hearts.

Trust in God and do not be afraid. Love others with His perfect love so that they too may know God and overcome fear in their own lives with His love.