God uses a lot of symbolism and metaphor to communicate things to us in the Bible.
Jesus spoke in parables a lot of the time.
It’s because He is communicating that there are things outside of our earthly experience - and beyond our current limited understanding.
Imagine you are talking to a 2 dimensional cartoon character and you are trying to explain the 3rd dimension to them.
They know height and width, but they have never seen or experienced the dimension of depth. You would have to use 2D concepts in order to try to explain 3D life. But even then you would not be able to get your point across clearly because it would require the 2D character to understand something that they have no frame of reference for. You know that 3D exists, and you understand it naturally, but it’s very hard for you to impart that same understanding to the 2D character.
Now lets assume that the 2D character believes you and wants to understand you. They would have a few different ways they could assimilate the information you have given them.
First, they could assume that you are actually describing 2D things, you’re just doing it in a very odd and mysterious way. So, even though they believe you, they have completely misunderstood you.
Second, they could try to dogmatically transform their current understanding of their 2D world to try to make it conform to what you described - even though that doesn’t make sense. Again, they believe you, but now they are distorting the truth of their own reality in order to try to make it fit into the world you described.
Or third, they could understand that there is something out there beyond their understanding, and trust that what you have said was true, and that they are going to have to lean into the concept of understanding mysterious things by the metaphors you gave them. That is to say, they are going to have to embrace that there are things that are beyond their frame of reference and the best way to understand them is to embrace the metaphor, and even start reasoning from it.
So, we should not use the symbolism of the Bible to try to make God fit into the box of our earthly experience. And we should not use it to deny the reality of the box of our earthly experience. We must use it to understand that there is much more outside the box than we can currently fathom from inside the box. And God has revealed some of it to us in a way that is partially understandable, and yet still true. And we are to take that truth and, instead of using it to redefine what we know is true, allow it to expand our realm of truth.