Philippians 1:14 (NASB20) and that most of the brothers and sisters, trusting in the Lord because of my imprisonment, have far more courage to speak the word of God without fear.

Paul wrote the letter to the Philippians from prison in Rome. And he told them that his imprisonment actually emboldened the people around him to spread the gospel too. It was as if seeing someone who was willing to suffer for the gospel made others willing to suffer for it also.

We know that we will face trials and tribulations in this life. But our hope in God is so much greater. This life is temporary, but our life with God is eternal. No matter what kind of suffering we may experience on earth, it cannot compare to the riches of peace and joy that we will experience forevermore in God’s presence.

People saw that Paul was suffering for his faith, and, rather than being discouraged by it, they were emboldened by it. Rather than being afraid to share their faith, they trusted in God and were emboldened.

This is the way to follow Jesus. Not to shrink in fear, but to speak and act in love, no matter the cost. Remember that our Lord is not asking us to do anything that He Himself was not willing to do, and more-so. He lived a life of poverty. He was criticized and persecuted. He knew hunger. He knew the pain of losing a loved one. He was wrongly put to death by unjust people. And none of that stopped Him from loving and giving Himself in love to redeem us.

We might not live a life of comfort and convenience, but we do not have to be afraid of anything as long as we trust in Him.

Philippians 4:6-7 (NASB20) Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and pleading with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all comprehension, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.

This verse practically summarizes this whole study on not fearing.

Do not be anxious/worried/fearful about anything. But how? By trusting God - by submitting your every care, and need, and desire, and insecurity to Him in prayer with thanksgiving.

Trust God to the point where you lay everything down at His feet, where you put yourself completely in His hands, where instead of crying out in despair you sing out in gratitude. And His peace will fill you in ways beyond your understanding.

Notice the verse doesn’t say that God will give you everything you pray for. It says that what He will give you is peace. Perhaps even the peace to do without what you are asking for.

Peace is the key. If you have the peace of God, then you don’t really need anything else that the earth can offer. Everything we strive after, and desire, and worry about is out of some desire for the peace, pleasure, and satisfaction that we think such things will give us. But what if we could have even greater peace with or without those things. That is the peace that God will give us when we trust in Him completely.

I have briefly experienced this peace. I have had a glimpse of it. Only enough to know that it is the permanent condition of all who rest in God’s presence in heaven, and to know that nothing on earth compares to it. In fact, it covers all the things that happen in this life. In heaven you will remember everything that happened - you will still be you - but it will all be OK because the peace of God is far greater. It is beyond understanding, but it is wonderful.

So do not be afraid. Put your hope and your trust in the Lord. Pour out your heart in prayer to Him, and remember to be grateful for everything He has done and will do for you.