This is a parallel and chronological study of the gospels.
Parallel in the sense that I will go through all four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) at the same time; not separately, but intertwined together.
Chronological in the sense of the timeline on which each verse took place. For example, John 1:1 states that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” You can’t get much earlier in time than that!
But then Luke includes the origin story of John the Baptist, who was older than Jesus, so I will go to Luke 1:5, which tells of how Zacharias saw the angel who told him that he would have a son and to name him John.
Then after the origin story of Jesus we can come back to John 1:6 where John talks about the beginning of John the Baptist’s ministry, which was a precursor to Jesus’s ministry. I will make notes when I come across things that it is hard to know the chronology of for sure - such as when Jesus cleansed the temple of the money changers.
I will primarily use the text of the NASB translation of the Bible with the translators’ notes from the NET Bible, and supplement with others resources as necessary.
I will also try to address, as I am able, how other religions interpret the Bible differently in certain places - such as how Jehova’s Witnesses interpret John 1:1-3.
The goal is to come to a thorough knowledge and understanding of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ, so that through that knowledge and understanding I will be equipped to preach and defend my faith with certainty.