Acts 18:9 (NASB20) And the Lord said to Paul by a vision at night, “Do not be afraid any longer, but go on speaking and do not be silent;
This passage is from the time when Paul was in Corinth. When he arrived in Corinth he made friends with some tent makers, since he was also a tent maker, and he stayed and worked with them while also preaching to the Jews in the synagogue.
After Silas and Timothy came Paul devoted himself completely to preaching the word, and the Jews resisted his teaching so he shook his garments and told them that he would preach to the Gentiles instead.
Then the Lord told Paul in a vision that he should keep speaking and not be afraid because “I am with you.”
God encouraged Paul when he might have been getting discouraged, and told him to keep doing what he is doing. And Paul did. He stayed in Corinth for a year and a half, teaching the word of God.
I know that many of us often would love to hear from God, in a vision or otherwise, to know that we are doing what He wants us to do, and that He is with us. But visions are not the only way that God speaks to us. Sometimes He just keeps giving us the desire in our heart to follow Him and do His will. If you are attentive to the promptings of the Spirit, and you are prayerfully seeking God’s will, He will guide you and encourage you at all the right times.
Things do not always go smoothly, and sometimes the struggles we face can be discouraging, but stay faithful to God and He will always be with you. Remember, if you are going to serve God, then expect to be a servant. If you trust God, then that trust will be tested, because that’s the only way it can grow. And if God trusts you, expect to be given bigger and bigger responsibilities - not for an earthly kingdom, but for God’s Kingdom.
These are not one-time events. This is a way of life. You are on a journey, but you are not alone, so trust in God, and do not be afraid.
Acts 27:24 (NASB20) saying, ‘Do not be afraid, Paul; you must stand before Caesar; and behold, God has graciously granted you all those who are sailing with you.’
This verse is from the story where Paul was being taken to Rome to stand trial before Caesar, and the boat got caught in a storm, and all the crew were afraid that it would sink in the sea.
Paul encouraged the men onboard the ship by telling them what an angel of God had told him, “Do not be afraid.”
The angel told Paul that God had a plan for him - that he must stand before Caesar. And he also told him that nobody that was with him would be lost.
Now, just because God had a plan for Paul doesn’t mean that Paul was going to have an easy time of it. God’s plan for Paul was going to be accomplished even though Paul was going to go through the experience of being lost at sea, shipwrecked, bitten by a viper, and placed under house arrest. But through all those experiences Paul was able to minister to everyone that was with him.
God kept Paul alive, and provided for his needs, so in that respect Paul did not have to be afraid. If Paul was hoping for a comfortable life as part of that promise, then he might have been very disappointed. God did not promise Paul comfort and luxury - only that he would fulfill his purpose in standing before Caesar. And that was enough assurance for him to press on into his ministry.
This story is an example of what Jesus said in Matthew 6:24-34. Do not be afraid for your life, or for what you will eat, drink, or wear. God will take care of all those things. Instead focus on the kingdom of God.
Paul was not afraid for his life or his provision. God assured him that those things would be taken care of, and Paul remained focused on taking the gospel to Rome.
What is it that causes you to fear? And what can you do to trust God more for it, and not be afraid about it? Are concerns about comfort and convenience hindering you from focusing on the kingdom of God? Are you holding back because you fear you will have to endure something unpleasant? How free would you be if you just trusted God to fulfill His purpose for your life, and you surrendered yourself completely into His hands? I’m asking myself these questions as much as I’m asking you. The answers are worth investigating.
All I know is that God wants us to trust Him, and that fear will keep us from doing that. If we are to trust God, we must renounce fear. We can’t have both. We must make every effort to give up every little fear, doubt, and anxiety that we have about this life. And trust that we will spend eternity with God. We must put ourselves completely in His hands, everyday.